According to this The Verge article, pre-ordering for phones running Microsoft’s new mobile OS, Windows 8, will begin October 21. Microsoft’s timing is far from optimal, releasing weeks after the competition. Microsoft introduces restrictions that may not be acceptable to tech-savvy buyers. Windows 8 Mobile Has several Positive features that may help Microsoft through these challenges. Of course, the biggest challenge is Microsoft’s release date.
Timing Is Everything
As any good chef knows, timing is everything. In the restaurant business for example, a good chef wants to make sure his/her meals are the best in the business, delivered hot and on time. In this regard, Microsoft has missed out on a huge marketing opportunity. Pre-ordering for phones running its new Windows 8 starts later this month. The problem is, it comes more than a month after Apple’s offering, iPhone 5, as well as Google’s offering, the Nexus S3. Are here any more consumers out there? The Christmas season is getting ready to start soon, shoppers are expected to spend more this year, this is of course what Microsoft is counting on, but will it be enough? Time will tell.
Microsoft Imposes Restrictions
Like IOS and Android, Windows Mobile has some restrictions. Some are just fine, restricting devices that don’t meet hardware requirements, etc. Some are not nice, such as restrictions on booting other operating systems, such as android, but this has become standard practice and is usually hacked. Other imposed restrictions are unacceptable. For example,Neowin reports that Microsoft had restricted web browsers, only its own browser (Internet Explorer) is permitted on phones with an ARM-based processor. Do you use IE on your windows desktop? Many choose not to, but Microsoft has taken away this privilege of choice, along with others. In 1998, Microsoft faced a law suit for doing this on PC, can they face another?
On The Positive Side
Of course there are some very nice things to consider. First, one of the reasons pre-ordering is so late is because Microsoft gave itself enough time for beta testing and debugging, something that has been a problem in the past, remember Windows Vista sadly. Hardware restrictions help limit fragmentation, one of the biggest problems Android suffers from. And of course, the software itself has hundreds of excellent features which make it worth checking out.
Though Microsoft has worked very hard to produce Windows 8, there are some definite concerns. According to some, one of the reasons why Microsoft is suffering in market share is because of it’s lack of innovation. As some have said, microsoft is going “wide, not deep.” Despite this, Microsoft does have a powerful offering worth investigation. In the desktop world, Microsoft is releasing Windows 8 for PC, as well as Windows Server 8. If you’re planning to upgrade, why not upgrade your hardware also? SMS Modules buys and sells processors and ramto keep your hardware running at peak efficiency.
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